Memorial Gifts, Honorariums, Planned and Sustained Giving

If you would like to make a memorial gift in memory of a deceased loved one to Interfaith Community Outreach, please use the donate button and specify the name of the person you are interested in memorializing. The family of the deceased will be written a letter in regard to your gift. Also, in lieu of giving a loved one a gift on a special occasion, an honorarium can be given in honor of the person’s special day. Your honorarium will be acknowledged with a letter to the person being honored. We will in turn write you and thank you for remembering the special occasion.

Interfaith Community Outreach has established a new charitable endowment to provide a permanent source of funding to “bridge the gap” for the working class poor — providing support, guidance and assistance to our neighbors in Dare and Currituck Counties who are faced with a temporary emergency crisis and for ICO Cancer Support — helping to offset travel, medical and basic living expenses for those suffering with cancer.  The new fund, called the Interfaith Community Outreach Endowment Fund, will provide ongoing and perpetual support for any and all of the organization’s program, community outreach, cancer outreach, and operating, and/or capital needs. The endowment will be held at the Outer Banks Community Foundation. Anyone can make a tax-deductible gift to the Interfaith Community Outreach Endowment Fund  at