Interfaith Community Outreach Awarded $10,000 for Cancer Outreach from Nancy and Fin Gaddy “Charles W. Gaddy & Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund”

Interfaith Community Outreach Awarded $10,000 for Cancer Outreach from Nancy and Fin Gaddy 

“Charles W. Gaddy & Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund”

Interfaith Community Outreach Awarded $10,000 for Cancer Outreach from Nancy and Fin Gaddy  “Charles W. Gaddy & Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund”

Pictured from left to right: Matt Spencer Jamie Costa, Brian Strickland, & Lynda Burek, ICO Board Members, Jenniffer Albanese, ICO Director, Nancy & Fin Gaddy, Linda Palombo, ICO Board Chair, Betse Kelly, Leigh Brinkley, Tiffany Wescott, Kelli Harmon & Mike Pringle, ICO Board Members

ICO was presented at $10,000 check for Cancer Outreach from Nancy and Fin Gaddy donated by Fin’s parent’s endowment; Charles W. Gaddy & Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund with the North Carolina Community Foundation.  The Gaddy Endowment Fund was a sponsor of the 30th Annual Alice Kelly Memorial Ladies Only Billfish Tournament held in August 2019.  The ladies really know how to celebrate an anniversary and it was a special day on the water. Blessed by pleasant weather and light winds, the 106 teams released 50 billfish and brought 22 game fish to the scales. 

The big winner of the day was the ICO Cancer Outreach.  They received over $50,000 in proceeds from this tournament.  The proceeds raised are giving to ICO to help fund the ICO Cancer Outreach Program helping Dare, Currituck and Ocracoke Residents that are faced with cancer.  In 2019 ICO was able to give back to our community over $308,000.00 in monetary outreach.  ICO was able to help these residents with medical, rent, mortgage, medical deposits, physician appointments, dental emergencies, prescriptions, travel reimbursement to get to medical appointments, and all emergency needs.

I’m just overwhelmed by the tremendous support of all our teams and wonderful sponsors,” said Tournament Director Heather Maxwell. “For 30 years this fun tournament has helped so many and it really has a positive impact on the community. I’m very grateful to everyone who make it all possible.”

If you’d like to make a donation, join their volunteer staff, or refer someone, please call 252-480-0070 or go online to to apply for assistance.