A Gentle Act of Kindness from a Local Artist

A Gentle Act of Kindness from a local artist

Pictured from left to right: Jenniffer Albanese, ICO Executive Director, Sofia Espinosa Fonseca, local artist & Fran Kapinos, ICO Lead Volunteer


A gentle act of kindness goes a long way.  Sofia Espinosa Fonseca was touched by the outreach ICO does for our community and wanted give back.  Sofia is a local artist and loves to paint.  She decided that would be how she would make an impact to ICO, by painting a picture that has meaning to her.  Sofia stopped by the office to present her beautiful hand painted Betta Fish picture to ICO and we are truly blessed by Sofia’s kindness.  

If you’d like to make a donation, join their volunteer staff, or refer someone, please call 252-480-0070 or go online to www.interfaithoutreach.com to apply for assistance.